Monday, August 16, 2010

Bakugan Ability Cards

After my work on the environment concepts, they had me help out my buddy Kyle Steed with Ability Card art. Kyle had painted the cards with a wicked cool style that Spin Master loved so much, they wanted all the cards to look like his! Problem is, Kyle's only one man, and he had what seemed like hundreds more Ability Cards to go. So they had a few more of us help him out and try to emulate his style. It wasn't an easy task, but we managed to pump them all out. Kyle's Ability Card art had really pushed the enthusiasm for both Spin Master and FLS, as they are some of the most impressive pieces of art in the game.

There are many many more of these, and maybe I can get Kyle to share some, as his quality and skill on these cards greatly exceed mine! Even now he's still working on more Ability Cards and each new piece looks better every time! The guy's super talented. I'm very glad to be be able to work with such a talented team :)

(Let me add that some of these are NOT the final versions used in the game, as not all of them were to Spin Master's liking on the first try. So other artists may have adjusted certain things on them, or they didn't get used at all. These are all pieces I either did all myself or worked upon from a rougher stage that Kyle passed to me.)

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